Plantar keratosis is one of the most misunderstood conditions. Many people suffering from plantar keratosis do not even know. Plantar keratosis is a condition that is characterized by the appearance of a focused and discrete callus on the plantar of the forefoot. The callus is usually 1 cm in size and occurs beneath the metatarsal heads. This is because the metatarsal or forefoot is mostly under pressure especially if you wear shoes that are tight fitting. Many might not understand whish part of the body the callus represents. The callus is an area on the skin that is especially toughened. The thickness and hardness of the callus is attributed to repeated pressure, friction and other forms of irritation. Frequent rubbing of the skin will normally result in blisters rather than callus. This is precisely why they are normally found on feet. In order for a callus to form, there has to be repeated contact and walking creates this contact.
Plantar keratosis mostly affects the feet but is not limited to that part of the body. Any part of the body that is exposed to constant friction will be prone to callus formation. Some people even form callus on their dominant hands due to using a pen or pencil to write all the time. Another cause might be as a result of playing an instrument regularly like violins and guitars. There are many hand activities that can cause plantar keratosis. Sporting activities and martial arts are other causes of calluses. The formation of calluses is as a result of accumulation of terminally keratinocytes which are differentiated in the layer of the skin. The outermost skin layer is where the calluses are mostly formed. Although the cells are dead, they are still sensitive to chemical and mechanical interference and they will resist them. This is due to the fact that they have a protein network that is cross-linked and intermediate filaments of keratin which have disulfide bonds.
It is easier to prevent plantar keratosis than to cure it. Plantar keratosis can be prevented by minimizing the pressure exerted on these areas of the body. You should also avoid activities which lead to a lot of friction between your body part and the instrument or object involved. You should always wear proper fitting footwear and always use gloves when handling objects that might cause a lot of friction with your hands. Plantar keratosis is a condition that can be managed with the right treatments and action.

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