Plantar keratosis treatment is something that requires a lot of discipline and commitment. Plantar keratosis is a condition that is very common but not understood very much. It is a condition that manifests itself in the form of calluses on the skin. The calluses appear on areas of the body that are exposed to frequent friction and pressure. Plantar keratosis can affect any part of the body but is commonly found on the forefoot. This is because most people wear shoes which are tight fitting thus causing friction and pressure on the foot resulting in the formation of callus. Plantar keratosis treatments can easily be followed by anyone but you need to ensure that you consult a doctor before embarking on any plantar keratosis treatment plans.
When planning plantar keratosis treatments you should take the following points into consideration. These points will help you manage the condition effectively. These points include:
Modification of shoes: If you have a callus on your foot then a low heel shoe is necessary because it reduces the amount of pressure of your weight. Reduced pressure will give the lesion a chance to heal faster. Experts recommend a wide shoe with a soft toe box so as to avoid crowding in the toe area. This is a very important when thinking about plantar keratosis treatment and management.
Oral anti-inflammatory medication: These are drugs that help control inflammation in the body. They can be used for plantar keratosis treatment but do not work very well. They are not very effective especially against plantar keratosis.
Padding: One can use some padding to ease the pressure exerted on the lesion. The pad can be placed over the lesion directly and the pressure exerted on the lesion can be absorbed by the pad. Plantar can be very painful if not taken care of and this padding will help ease the pressure and thus ease the pain.
Injectable anti-inflammatory medication: Injection of steroids should be avoided completely when thinking about plantar keratosis treatment. This is because fat-pad atrophy can develop on the callus and further worsen the condition.
The above points are just some of the many points that one should consider when thinking about plantar keratosis treatments. As earlier mentioned, a trained physician is the best advisor when medical cases are concerned. Before committing to a certain plantar keratosis treatment, it is important to discuss your options with your doctor.

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