Keratosis Follow Up Treatments
A careful follow-up on a patient that has just been treated for Squamous cell carcinoma is necessary . Low risk keratosis tumour can be cured with the ideal surgical therapy however it has been observed that almost half of the patients treated for squamous cell carcinoma can develop this disorder within the next 2 years. It is therefore important that patients with history of squamous cell carcinoma should be examined every 6-12 months. Skin lymph nod examination should be performed on patients with high risk tumours at 3-6 months intervals after diagnosis. CT scanning or MRI are the main mechanisms used in checking monitoring improvement in high risk patients.
One of the general preventive measures for preventing the reoccurrence of Squamous cell carcinoma is avoidance of over exposure of the body to extreme sunlight rays. Protecting the body from artificial UV sources such as tanning beds are also advised. The patient is also advised and closely monitored if he or she is wearing protective clothings and limiting his or her outdoor activities. Broad spectrum sunscreen especially the one contain SPF level 15 or higher are often recommended for such patients.
It should be noted that the treatment of actinic keratosis on the skin can help prevent the cancerous Squamous cell carcinoma. The education of a patient about the likely symptoms of squamous cell carcinoma is quite important too.
Chemoprevention is another way through which the re-occurrence of squamous cell carcinoma can be prevented in some patients. Topical retinoids for instance can be given to patients suffering from immuno-depression{ immuno-depression can trigger squamous cell carcinoma}. One aspect of the use of oral retinoids is that it must be continued, otherwise a relapse in tumour development may occur if it is discontinued. Topical retinoids have also been found to be helpful in the treatment of existing squamous cell tumours.
It should be noted that some nodal developments of squamous cell carcinoma will increase the risk of the infection re-occuring after treatment. It should be noted that determining the risk factors in each patient will help a lot in developing the best routine treatment for squamous cell carcinoma and how to prevent the re-occurrence of the disorder. Squamous cell may take a long time after diagnosis to manifest{ even up to 5 years} that should be enough time to start treating the infection and not until it has fully grown.

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