Various methods of treatment have been posted on you tube as means of treating the different types of keratosis. These methods include the following: The treatment of Keratosis Pilaris by means of raw Foods. This treatment method was achieved through getting some sun on the skin daily as the sun rays does tremendously assist those suffering from keratosis pilaris. Exposure to adequate sunlight helps patients of keratosis pilaris by tanning the skin making the lesions merely visible and even clearing some of the lesions
In addition to getting adequate sunlight exposure the patient should avoid eating junk foods. In treating keratosis pilaris eating raw foods helps in healing and curing the skin. The patient should cut out on foods that contain fats and sugar in large quantities. Another method of treating keratosis is through freezing whereby each spot is frozen by spraying using liquid nitrogen. This process only takes a few seconds. The patient will feel some stinging or burning sensation that disappears very rapidly. Later in the day and in the next few days the spots change to look a little red. After a few days scabs form over then drop off in a few weeks leaving behind a smooth skin.
Home treatments are some of the most notable and testified forms of therapy featured on you tube. This process begins with tender cleansing and habitual exfoliation to get clear of the unattractive rough bumpy skin. By means of a mild antiseptic, one is advised to wash the spot twice in a day. Over washing with rough and harsh products could worsen the condition. Another method to do away with keratosis pilaris is through keeping your skin moisturized. Whereas exposure of the body to the sun is advisable particularly in the wintry weather, Patients with this problem should not be over exposed. This is because their skin looses moisture at higher rate.
Treatments using moisturizing ingredients are prescribed in order to make and maintain the skin adequately hydrated. Habitual application of these hydrating agents particularly just after bathing is amongst the home therapy recommended for keratosis pilaris.
Good hygiene is also a way of treating and controlling the skin condition. For one to effectively control Kerotosis, they are advised to keep their levels off hygiene above average. To avert clogging your pores, you should make sure that you clean your skin twice day. A good method to cleanse exclusive of stripping moisture of your skin is through using a gentle cleanser.
Once one has showered, you can close in the humidity in your skin through application of a moisturizing cream. Soaking in a warm water tub that has a few drops of Vitamin E oil is also an efficient way of keeping in the moisture. You can get many more witness accounts of handling Keratosis on you tube.