The best all natural Keratosis Pilaris cream

The red and inflamed bumps of keratosis pilaris often occur at the upper arms and thigh, the one that appears on the face is quite rare and such is referred to as pilaris keratosis rubra. Normally the skin disorder poses no serious treat , however most teenagers when they are aware of the red bumps often become very nervous and worried.  Many people do try to cover up pilaris bumps by wearing long sleeve clothes and trousers all the time, some people may also think that they are witnessing an allergic reaction to some food they have eaten but the truth is that there is no relationship between allergies and pilaris.

Pickling and rubbing your fingers against pilaris keratosis bumps often result in the swelling and bursting of the bumps. This result it irritation and more discoloured bumps on your skin.  Though , most people will love to make use of laser treatments in the treatment of keratosis pilaris, but in the case of pilaris keratosis, such laser treatments have been found to be ineffective. Just like laser treatments, tropical tretinoin also can trigger burning when used in dealing with keratosis pilaris, so also salicylic acid can also worsen your keratosis pilaris.

Alpha hydroxyl acid is another popular natural acid which is extracted from milk sugars and some fruits. Alpha hydroxyl acids are particularly ideal for keratosis pilaris because they penetrate the skin easily and renew it.  When hydroxyl acid is used in excess, it can irritates the skin and increase the skin’s sensitivity to the sun rays. The combine effect of keratosis pilaris and sun damage can lead to free radical exchange on the skin and that could result in skin cancer.

An all natural keratosis Pilaris cream is the one that possess the ability to work itself into the skin and rejuvenates the skin , making it much better than the normal skin treatments. The cream should be able to boost the collagen and elastin levels of the skin. It should also stimulate the development of keratin and  moisturizes accordingly.

The most appropriate cream for keratosis pilaris must should be able to eat the plugs that block skin pores, new cells must be brought to the follicles and the pores must be sanitized.  The natural keratin flow of the hair follicles must be enhanced while inflammation of the skin is adequately treated. Keratosis pilaris cream should also contain some anti-bacterial ingredients to prevent infections from setting in.

Keratosis further readingFurther Reading:

Actinic – Seborrheic

Website Reading:

Actinic Keratosis

Seborrheic Keratosis


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