What Does Keratosis Look Like?

Keratosis Pilaris

In typical fashion, Keratosis Pilaris (KP) patients will present with a scattered rash, which is also patchy, often consisting of minute tan or red bumps. Oftentimes, there are around 10 to 100 of such bumps that are slightly rough and which spread across a single area. The region affected may exhibit a fine texture which feels like sandpaper. Some of these small bumps are likely also to have a slight red color, or possess intonation of light red halo, which indicates inflammation.

At times, there gets to be a coiled hair that is small, which becomes trapped underneath the rough bump. Milia, or acne whiteheads, can sometimes be located within the same regions as Keratosis Pilaris. Patients suffering this condition may experience rough skin texture, as well as irregular artificial appearance of their skin. In addition, the cheeks of such individuals may look red, pink, flushed and also riveted with very minute small bumps.

Sebhorreic Keratosis

Sebhorrheic keratoses (SK) might resemble actinic keratoses, warts, moles and skin cancer. Apart from this, they also have a marked difference with other growths of the skin. In general, a keratosis which is sebhorrheic appears waxy and superimposed on skin. There are those that resemble a dab of brown candle wax warmed onto skin.

Actinic Keratosis

Actinic keratosis, also goes by the name solar keratosis and is a rough spot which is small. It occurs on skin, when it is exposed to chronic levels of ultraviolet light. In ordinary terms, keratoses will measure anything between 2 to 6 millimeters in diameter. These are under normal circumstances of reddish color and with rough texture. On most occasions, they possess yellowish or white scale at the top. Actinic Keratosis forms due to sun damage in most cases, together with wrinkles, sallowness and peripheral blood vessels. Keratosis of actinic nature may feel painful or sore, when you rub your clothing or fingers on it. There are forms of actinic keratosis which are specialized, such as cutaneous horns. In this particular kind, skin protrudes in a thick manner, which is hornlike. Actinic cheilitis is another important form of keratosis. It implies the roughness and scaling of the lower lip. In parallel, it also means blurring action, of the border area lying between the lip border and adjacent skin.

Solar Keratosis

Solar Keratoses range in size from a pinhead to between 2 and 3 cm across. They can have a scaly crust, which is yellow-white in color. Solar keratoses are raised above the skin level and feel dry and rough too.


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